Analogous to the GNH model, the Gross Corporate Happiness® framework consists of the 9 life domains, vital for the work context. They represent the key factors for Competence, Relatedness and Autonomy on a corporate, team and individual level and as such form a 3×3 matrix which fully embodies the most relevant motivation theories, i.e. the Self Determination Theory (E.L. Deci / R.M. Ryan) as well as the Hierarchy Model of Motivation (R.J. Vallerand).
Due to its scientific background, the Gross Corporate Happiness® model avoids the typical bias of a dominating focus on short term desires and the broad negligence of major framework conditions that many other motivation models suffer due to their foundation in empirical opinion polls, as R.A. Easterlin and others have intensively demonstrated.
Each domain is reflected through 2-6 individual factors (KPIs) which are designed to allow an objectivized evaluation of compliance in any organizational or corporate environment, and can replace extensive and partially subjective employee inquiries, which often show decreasing usefulness over time.
Its integral effectiveness and holistic scope has been successfully validated in an extensive research program with globally operating and publically traded corporations of various sizes and industry segments.