Gross Corporate Happiness® Keynotes, Lectures and Workshops

will force you to leave familiar mental spaces

“Many companies aiming for radical innovation fall short on the basics; more than 40% of Executives from would-be disruptors rate their companies’ innovation skills as average or worse. … Executives from companies with strong innovation capabilities—and disruptive ambitions—represent just 7.6% of the sample.”

BCG Study of most innovative companies, October 2014

What is this about?

Have your mental models disrupted

Have you ever reflected on the question of whether your company will still exist 10 years from now – or don’t you want to know?! Blinded by the daily flood of short term urgencies and increasing communication noise, we only rarely make a cut in our agenda in order to reflect on this fundamental question about sustainable success.

But in the light of emergent technologies, globalization, new megatrends and natural limits of growth, product life cycles have dramatically shrunk and have increased the need for continuous innovations. Gross Corporate Happiness® Keynotes, Lectures and Workshops don’t aim to provide you with short-term fixes, but will lift the curtain from current economic mental models and challenge some of our most familiar paradigms. They aim to create new spaces, stimulate discussion and inspire you to start thinking about how to invent your future.

How does it work?

Inspiring and galvanizing to embark on radical new business perspectives

In search of business solutions, we rarely dare to leave the familiar spaces of our current economic teachings. But those are based on assumptions that were derived from early physics some 250 years ago. While for many decades their underlying simplifications weren’t relevant, the drastic changes in our business environment of the 21st century are forcing us into some major updating.

In sharp contrast, the Gross Corporate Happiness® Model represents a guiding concept that aims to create organizational spaces that allow the individual human potential to fully emerge. As such, it focusses on transforming organizations to meet the needs of the 21st century economy in terms of agility, creativity and collaboration in the context of a globally connected economic environment.

Partially provocative, our speeches, presentations and publications aim to uncover some of those old paradigms and open up new perspectives, based on the most recent research and enriched by numerous practical examples from personal experience, relevant for your specific business situation.

  • Challenge Paradigms

  • Expand Perspective

  • Focus Energy

  • Elevate Views and Actions

What do you get?

  • Radically new perspectives on familiar economic paradigms
  • Shared case samples from real life experience
  • Inspiration while listening
  • Space for discussion
  • “We have seen within the past 18 months a complete transformation of an entire workplace. Not only a new future was build through a strong increase in efficiency, but it was our joint effort, from the little worker to top management who build an unprecedented culture of cooperation”

    Head of Workers’ Council
  • "The Management jointly with the employees in Offenburg have successfully demonstrated how the combination of a clear business focus with spiritual principles like service attitude, honesty and passion, can lead to both, econonmic success and high satisfaction of all workforce. This development became our global benchmark for new aquisitions and turn-around."

  • "Since the factory was taken over by new management, our relationship between customer and supplier can be described in three words: Trust, Service Attitude and Success. In 18 months, a highly complex new contractual relationship was handled with the utmost fairness and honesty and crowned by a price reduction which exceeded by far any contractual obligations. The service attitude is without question and a strong basis for our own business success. Very rarely have we experienced anything alike."

    Former Customer


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